Thursday, February 5, 2009

What, When, Where, How, Who?????

This trip is a family centered mission trip designed to offer many areas of ministry within a foreign country.  Areas of ministry include evangelism, medical ministry, construction, children's ministry, prayer ministry, and service (cooking, etc.) ministry.

The dates for the next trip are Saturday June 27 - Friday July 3

Anyone and everyone, regardless of age (my daughter turned one on the trip) can go on the trip.  It's a trip built to provide firsthand mission exposure to families and it's built with families in mind - it is close, low-cost, and "missions lite."

This trip takes place in Matamoras, Mexico at an orphanage housing approximately 180 kids, ages 3-18 years of age.

We will be serving on teams in various areas: construction and maintenance, medical missions in the community, VBS at the orphanage, VBS in the community alongside the medical team

Yes, it is challenging.  It is very hot and we live by the rules of the orphanage, which requires long pants or dresses almost all of the time.  The good news is that our dorms are air-conditioned.  The language barrier can be discouraging but we typically have ample translators.  The living conditions are adequate for the week but you probably won't consider it a vacation.  However, this is not the jungles of Africa.  You are in a 2nd/3rd world country.

But it is safe!  Our kids love playing with the other kids at the orphanage.  There is no language barrier when it comes to kids!  The water that we drink is purified and no one got sick last year from a uniquely mexican bug!
It is very fulfilling to know we did what God had called us to do.  We were there to love and serve in whatever ways God revealed to us and it was special to see that revelation as the week progressed.  We all had our roles and our kids are looking forward to going back again this year.